More than three-quarters (77%) of drivers are put off buying an electric vehicle due to the unreliability of charge points in the UK, a survey by Click4Reg has found.

In the research, Click4Reg asked electric vehicle owners questions ranging from how happy they were with their electric vehicle,to how impressed they were with the supply and demand of public charge points.

The results include:

▪ 91% were happy with their electric vehicle and wouldn’t consider going back to an ICE vehicle

▪ 96% of electric vehicle owners were dissatisfied with public charge points

▪ 88% said the public charge points are too unreliable (e.g. either broken, have cars using them as parking spaces etc.) 

▪ 74% of participants said the presence of EV charging facilities was a key factor when deciding where to park

▪ 82% believe that the government is failing to keep up with the demand for electric vehicle charge points in the UK 

▪ 77% of respondents are put off by purchasing an electric vehicle due to the unreliability of charge points in the UK

Elie Fakhoury, MD of said: “The number of charge points for electric vehicles are severely lagging behind in relation to the number of electric cars being purchased each year.

"If the Government wants to encourage more people to go green, more must be done to make charging seem as hassle-free as getting petrol or
diesel from the station.

"After all, this is why a shocking 77% of petrol and diesel car owners we surveyed are choosing not to drive electric vehicles.”