Aston Barclay has launched its Vendor Calculator to provide dealer and fleet vendors with real-time market intelligence during live auctions.

It forms part of its mission to integrate its digital solutions and physical auction businesses. It hopes the Calculator will increase conversion rates, build buyer confidence and unlock increased profit through accurate data use.

Aston Barclay’s chief executive Neil Hodson said: “Vendor Calculator enables our customers to control and manage their auction performance, in real time, remotely from anywhere in the world.

“The real-time market intelligence presented within the system gives vendors the ability to make decisions as sales are progressing with knowledge of where they are on conversion rates, asset profitability and performance against reserve values.”

The data helps support vendors in making the decision to accept provisional bids at their current face value with the platform providing expected total sale results for CAP, Conversion, SIV and Reserve based on current bid values.

Stage two of the product will allow vendors to proactively request increased offers from buyers which they can respond to from their mobile phone.

Vendor Calculator is available to all Aston Barclay vendors, either remotely via iPad or onscreen at rostrums within its auction network.