French transport firm Jacky Perrenot has ordered 250 Iveco Stralis NP trucks as part of its ambition to have 1,000 natural gas vehicles on the road by 2020.

The order includes nearly 200 vehicles with a 460PS natural gas engine. By the end of 2018, the company will be running nearly 550 Stralis NP heavy trucks.

Philippe Givone, chief executive officer of the Perrenot Group's transport subsidiary, said: "This new order marks an important milestone in the Group's history. We made the choice of gas many years ago, and today we are strengthening our position as leaders in clean transport in Europe thanks to Iveco's expertise in alternative fuels.

“Thanks to the increasingly dense network of refuelling stations and the new Stralis NP 460, which offers equivalent or better performance than diesel, we are able to offer our customers a 'green' logistics solution and a daily commitment to reduce our carbon footprint.

“Our ambition is to reach the goal of exceeding 1,000 gas vehicles in our fleet before the end of 2020. After the strong development of the food sector we now have strong expectations in the construction sector.

"With the arrival of the first Stralis X-Way NP, Iveco is once again in line with our expectations and will allow us to push back the limits of sustainable transport.”

Demand for LNG is growing rapidly in Europe as the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) has identified LNG as the best applicable solution for long-distance haulage in the short term and for the next 10 to 15 years.

By operating on natural gas of fossil origin, CO2 emissions from a Stralis NP are up to 10% lower than the diesel equivalent, depending on the mission and composition of the gas – and up to 95% lower when using biomethane.