Fleet FAQ


What questions should I ask when choosing fleet management software?


Here are some questions you may want to ask to ensure you're choosing the right fleet managemet software.

Software requirements

  • This is what I want the software to achieve – how does your product compare?
  • Do I need all the modules you’re offering me? For example, an off-the-shelf package might come with the facility to check driving licences when you already have separate existing providers.
  • These considerations might give rise to a further question: does the off-shelf-package meet my needs or do I need a bespoke system?

Web-based or web-enabled?

  • Is your system web-based or web-enabled?
  • How do the speeds of the different systems compare?
  • Which would suit my requirements more?

Cost of investment

  • How does the cost of the software break down?
  • Are there any extra charges?
  • How and when are payments made?
  • Is hardware paid for upfront?

Implementation process

  • What happens during the implementation phase?
  • How long is it likely to take?
  • Who needs to be involved in implementation?
  • Is there an implementation fee?

Contract terms

  • What happens during the implementation phase?
  • How long is it likely to take?
  • Who needs to be involved in implementation?
  • Is there an implementation fee?


  •  What training is provided as standard during implementation?
  • How long is the training likely to take?
  • Does the training involve only the fleet manager or every staff member who will use it?
  • Is the training done in-house, remotely or even online?
  • Will there be an additional cost for any further training after implementation?

Service Support

  • What happens if the system completely crashes?
  • Is there a back-up server?
  • Do you pay an additional/monthly fee for service support?

Software updates

  • How often will these updates be necessary?
  • Is there a charge?
  • How often will it be necessary to build a whole new system?
  • How are ‘mini’ updates carried out – remotely or in-house?
  • What will the updating process consist of?

Security and data

  • What security measures are in place?
  • Who owns the data?
  • Will it be lost if you leave the provider?
  • Can the system pull in data from other sources?
  • What systems will it integrate with?

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