However, Masterdrive has warned that moves to promote personal schemes to encompass the majority of vehicles within company fleets could not only cause serious logistical problems within a fleet industry geared to dealing with corporate customers rather than individuals, but could create other detrimental effects. General manager Tony Elliott said: 'If PCPs are widely adopted, then there are enormous problems to resolve, such as the levels of sales force required by leasing companies to cope with a fragmented customer base, with volume discounts being treated as benefit-in-kind on individual schemes, unfair wear and tear, bad debts and what happens when an employee changes jobs or becomes redundant.
'Leasing companies also will not be able to expect the same return business from individuals who quite naturally have no particular loyalties to suppliers and whose criteria for vehicle acquisition are diverse and frequently difficult to predict. We should be very cautious about pushing them too hard to a broader market.'
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