THE inclusion of company car tax as part of the running costs equation for cars has led Birmingham-based contract hire firm Interleasing to claim a unique point for its Company Car Comparisons product, mailed out on request quarterly, free of charge. The Windows-based system calculates the annual cost of running a car derived from contract hire rental, an allowance for insurance, the cost of fuel, plus employer's National Insurance contribution minus corporation tax relief.
It also allows the user to examine different rental bandings, build in car selections, choose periods of hire and mileage, change default parameters and analyse the data in graph format. Within two months the disk will also include comparisons between the present driver benefit-in-kind charges and those which will be levied under the new carbon dioxide regime starting in April, 2002.
More than 2,700 car models are listed, as well as bands for monthly contract hire rates. For a free copy of the Company Car Comparisons disk phone Interleasing on 0345 585840 or e-mail a request to
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