ROYAL Liver Assurance is streamlining the supply of its 1,000-vehicle fleet in a multi-million pound deal with Interleasing. The insurance company is currently supplied by Dial and Interleasing, but going forward Interleasing will handle the account on a solus basis.

In addition, about 500 outright purchase vehicles will be sold and leased back in the deal. Last year, Royal Liver Assurance, which at the time had a fleet of about 350 vehicles supplied by Interleasing, expanded significantly, including the acquisition of the industrial branch business of Friends Provident, which had a 300-vehicle fleet supplied by Dial.

During the acquisition, vehicles to meet further expansion requirements were purchased. After the streamlining is complete, the growing firm is expected to have a fleet of 1,200 vehicles, supplied through contract purchase by Interleasing. A three-badge supply arrangement with Rover, Nissan and Toyota is expected to remain in place.

Royal Liver human resources director Mike Sampson said: 'Interleasing is providing us with a comprehensive range of fleet solutions. Its philosophy and work ethic is very much like ours.' Nick Brownrigg, managing director of Interleasing, said: 'Outsourcing has been the way the market has been moving for a while, enabling organisations to focus on their core business.'