THE paperless office is a realistic target for fleet managers if they use technology to help themselves, according to an award-winning fleet manager. Keith O'Connor, group fleet manager of Nightspeed Services/Amtrak Express, estimates he has saved time and money by using the internet to manage his fuel bills.

O'Connor, winner of the Fleet News Risk Management Award, has introduced radical schemes to cut accident levels, but has also focused on cutting costs through simplifying management and making the most of the company's buying power. One area was choosing C H Jones, operator of the Key Fuels network, as his fuel card operator, which included using the firm's internet-based fuel management system

O'Connor said: 'The system has had a major impact on our security and cost control - my belief is that every litre of fuel we use should be revenue earning. The ability to turn cards 'on' and 'off' limits our exposure for unauthorised usage. We can also build in our own parameters to individual cards, so van drivers, for example, are limited to 70 litres per fill. We can also 'suspend' cards for periods when they should not be in use, such as when a driver is on holiday.'

Nightspeed purchases 50% of its diesel via Key Fuels, the remainder comes from its own bunker tanks situated at strategic depot locations throughout the country.