SUPERMARKET giant Tesco is planning to roll out biodiesel across many of its fuel stations.

The move, thought to be the first of its kind by a supermarket chain, will see GlobalDiesel offered to customers.

The announcement followed soon after the Government launched a consultation into the future of biofuels (Fleet NewsNet, April 29).

GlobalDiesel is made with rapeseed, combining 95% ultra low sulphur diesel and 5% biodiesel.

Transport Minister David Jamieson commended Tesco's introduction of biodiesel.

He said: 'The Government is committed to supporting the introduction of cleaner, greener fuels on the forecourt and welcomes this step by Tesco to offer quality blended biodiesels prominence on the nation's forecourts.'

Tesco completed a pilot of GlobalDiesel at its Hatfield store in February 2003. It plans to roll out the product to 22 stores this month followed by additional UK sites later this year.

Biodiesel offers environmental benefits such as reductions in carbon dioxide and Tesco is estimating sales of its GlobalDiesel will reduce carbon dioxide emissions of more than 2,000 tonnes during the next year alone.

Tesco company secretary Lucy Neville-Rolfe said: 'Shoppers have asked for our help in buying more environmentally-friendly fuel. Extending the availability of GlobalDiesel at Tesco stores across the UK, starting with 22 this month, means many more customers can do their bit for the environment.'

The Government's consultation into biofuels will look at whether cutting fuel duty is the most effective method of promoting biofuels, whether the Government should do more to support biofuel production through increased grants and whether it should do more to provide information on biofuels and other renewable fuels.

The Department for Transport hopes to see biofuels accounting for 2-5% of total transport fuel sales by 2010 but experts suggest that to meet these targets, about 10% of arable farmland in England would need to be converted to growing fuel crops.

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