FLEETS will be able to hold garages to account for standards of service after the decision to launch a code of practice excluding them was reversed.

The U-turn followed pressure from the British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association (BVRLA), which said common sense had prevailed.

The code, being put together by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders and the Retail Motor Industry Federation, was originally intended to apply only to retail customers.

John Lewis, director general of the BVRLA, said: ‘It’s a great victory for common sense and practicality and one for which we have been campaigning vigorously ever since we found out that business drivers were to be specifically excluded.

‘In our view, and that of many businesses large and small, this was total nonsense since it denied many drivers the protection of the code merely because their companies paid the bill.’

The code of practice sets out standards, working practices and how complaints should be dealt with, and needs dealers, independent garages and carmakers to sign up.

The catalyst for the project was the threat from the National Consumer Council to make a ‘super-complaint’ against the motor industry. The BVRLA had been campaigning for inclusion of business drivers for some time (Fleet News, August 3, 2006).

Lewis was in jubilant mood following the hard-fought victory. He said: ‘We simply could not let this go unchallenged on behalf of our members and their customers. Added to which was the fact that no-one else seemed to be prepared to speak up in defence of the business driver.

‘Now I’m delighted to report that the SMMT has agreed that all customers of dealers and garages subscribing to the code will be covered, irrespective of whether they are retail or business customers. There are still a number of operational issues and processes to be ironed out in the code before it can be introduced and that may take some time but I’m happy to say that the change to include business drivers has in no way held back delivery of the code.

‘It’s a big win for the business driver and I’m delighted that the BVRLA’s campaign has led to what is the right result for the industry and, more importantly, for fleet managers and their drivers.’