Billions of pounds in savings will be within reach of UK companies next year if the employees in charge of their fleets are trained to find them, according to industry experts.

The potential areas for savings range from reducing fuel costs to tax reductions, but all will require fleet management expertise to drive the cash savings to the business bottom line.

This week, the Energy Saving Trust estimated that UK drivers could save more than £5 billion in fuel by adopting smarter driving techniques.

It has launched a smarter driving training course aimed at employees in a bid to help companies secure their share of the savings.

Philip Sellwood, chief executive of the Energy Saving Trust, said: “With the economy in turmoil and people feeling the pinch more than ever, it is crucially important that employers look at how they can support their staff in every way they can. Employees take this issue seriously and now so should employers.

“Smarter driving means driving more efficiently, which in turn can lead to reducing fuel usage by an average 15%.

"If everyone started driving smarter we as a nation would save ourselves £5 billion. At times like these, that is not to be sniffed at.”

Also, following confirmation from Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling of a new capital allowances regime, companies that make the most of the changes by shifting their fleet to cars emitting 160g/km or less stand to significantly reduce their business tax bill.

Green driving schemes can also encourage safer driving and unlock additional savings worth millions of pounds for fleets by reducing their accident rate, lost working time and insurance costs.

Overall, the cost to industry of work-related accidents is put at nearly £3 billion, according to the Motorists’ Forum Improving Work-Related Road Safety report.

Fleets will be given a face-to-face briefing on how to identify and make the most of some of these savings at the Fleet News Forum, which takes place on February 17-18 in Leeds.

This invitation-only event includes workshops from expert speakers on capital allowances and risk management, along with an expert face-to-face briefing from HM Revenue & Customs and a study of the benefits of car clubs in the fleet sector.

The workshops are part of a packed agenda of pre-arranged business meetings designed to save fleet decision-makers time and money by allowing them to meet a range of suppliers in a short space of time under one roof.

To know more about this time and money saving even and to apply for a place, log onto or contact Maddie Collins on 01733 468171. Alternatively, email