A van buyer’s guide that gives details of CO2 emissions is on track to be published shortly, according to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT).

SMMT has been working with the Department for Transport (DfT) in developing the guide to help fleet managers choose and operate the right type of vehicle for their business.

The guide is the first stage of a larger initiative, run in conjunction with the Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA), which should see the launch of a van CO2 database at next year’s Commercial Vehicle Show, at the end of April 2009.

“In the meantime, SMMT is assisting the Vehicle Certification Agency to develop an online database detailing CO2 emissions from vans by model type, to provide data for those involved in the van buying process,” said John Procter, media manager at the SMMT.

“In order for this data to be meaningful, SMMT, DfT and the VCA will shortly be deciding on the required search criteria.

“Once this has been decided, the vehicle manufacturers will supply the necessary data to the VCA.”

Once populated, the database will be then subjected to testing in preparation for its launch at the Commercial Vehicle Show, in Birmingham.

Speaking at the Fleet Van Conference, Mr Procter added: “The SMMT wants to encourage van buyers to choose the right vehicle for the job.

"We also want to demonstrate the link between CO2 emissions and running costs.”

The news comes after the BVRLA launched its own online CO2 tool to compare the emissions of different vans.

While van makers have now agreed to publish data in 2009, the BVRLA had to work in conjunction with consultants at Clifford Thames to produce its own guide.

“We hope this online tool will fill some of the information vacuum faced by UK van buyers,” said Jay Parmar, the BVRLA’s head of legal services.

Because emissions data for LCVs is not publically available in the UK, the BVRLA information has been sourced from Germany’s Federal Motor Transport Authority.