Coherent transport policies and a consistent approach from the three major political parties are key to future successes, according to the RAC Foundation.

It points out that consensus has been reached on improving road safety, reducing road congestion and providing more effective traffic management.

But, it says over the past 50 years a total of 28 ministers have been responsible for transport, averaging around 22 months in office each, which has had a detrimental affect.

“A lot of improvements have been made over the past half century, but a great deal more could have been achieved from a more purposeful and coherent policy regime,” said Stephen Glaister, director of the RAC Foundation.

With a general election on the horizon, the warning from Mr Glaister comes as the RAC Foundation publishes a paper called Party Manifestos, which reveals aspirations in transport manifestos for the past half century.

“Transport failures upset people, but transport is rarely a vote winner. This is clear to see when looking back over 50 years of party political manifestos,” said Mr Glaister.

“Current and future transport advisors should read this synopsis of past transport manifestos and note the achievements.

“Learning from past successes and failures, will avoid future administrations falling into familiar traps. A consistent approach to national policy is key to future success.”