Cherry picking by consumers has brought increased sales of affordable, high quality ex-fleet stock despite waning trade and consumer demand in general, according to Carsite.

Analysis of consumer behaviour on reveals that individual visitors are typically spending substantially more time browsing for vehicles than a year ago.

And sales figures also reveal that consumers have a stronger appetite to purchase an ex-fleet car online, with a significant increase in conversion rates.

Despite the current and predictable seasonal decline in trade across the used car market in general, Carsite has noted a steady increase in the ratio of sales to visits.

The company believes this reflects understandable consumer caution as economic confidence remains low, leading to greater care in selecting the right vehicle.

Crucially, however, there is a higher ratio of buyers researching ex-fleet cars with serious intent to purchase compared with those who are casually browsing available stock.

Director of sales Alistair Jeff said: “By analysing the behaviour of our visitors it is clear they are increasingly diligent in their research but more determined to purchase when they do find the right car for their needs.

“This signals good news for fleet disposers who are in a position to fulfil the clear requirement for appropriate cars, specified to the right level and offered direct to the retail public with the right ‘peace of mind’ factors in place.”