Leasedrive Velo has won the ‘Innovation in Services and Systems’ Energy Saving Trust Fleet Hero 2009 Award for its Mileage:Manager system, launched in May.

The system calculates the charges due for any private mileage based on the actual cost of fuel on the individual driver’s card or based on whatever allowance a customer wants to use. It then interfaces with the customer’s payroll and expense system and the transaction is complete.

In addition, it supports cash refuelling, with drivers reimbursed for any cash expense through payroll and can also extract this information to produce accurate P11D benefits and P46 car form returns.

Commercial director Roddy Graham said: “We are delighted to have won yet another green accolade for environmental initiatives. Following on from our Carbon:Manager initiative, Mileage:Manager represents another effective tool in the fleet manager’s armoury to help reduce an organisation’s total carbon footprint as well as more efficiently managing drivers’ expense claims.”