UK Carline has won the Best Green Transport at the Lancashire Green Awards 2009 for its carbon offset initiatives.

In July 2009, UK Carline launched the CO2 offset scheme following research into ethical carbon reduction projects carried out with offset specialists Carbon Balance.

The initiative saved nearly 200 tonnes of CO2 emissions in its first three months, which is equivalent to flying from London to New York and back 421 times, or driving around the earth in a medium-sized petrol car 128 times.

General manager Simon Booth said: “This is a fantastic way to round off the year and the success we’ve had with our CO2 scheme. We’re now confident that we will easily surpass our original goal of offsetting over 1,000 tonnes of CO2 within 12 months.”

The company also achieved CarbonZero status in September 2009, after completing an approved Greenhouse Gas Audit to calculate its carbon footprint.