GreenRoad is to supply the Ministry of Defence with its in-vehicle driving analysis systems for 4,578 MOD vehicles for the next three years.

The MOD has been trialling the automated driver coaching service, which resulted in a 31% reduction in the number of high-risk driving manoeuvres.

The deployment encompassed nearly 1.9 million miles of driving in a variety of vehicles.

The aim of the MOD’s trials and study was to gather evidence on driving behaviour across the army, navy, air force and MOD drivers and assess the risk of individual driver behaviour; identify any difference in risk between civilian and military drivers; and ultimately understand whether a vehicle service can improve driver behaviour.

From March 2008 to January 2009, driving behaviour was analysed in fleet vehicles with a cumulative total mileage of nearly 1.9 million miles.

In order to capture data from a wide range of both civilian and military drivers, the vehicles in the study included small and medium size cars, utility vehicles, minibuses, coaches and Land Rovers.

During the study, GreenRoad analysed driver behaviour by fleet, base, individual vehicle and individual journey.