Defleet car sales direct to drivers through Epyx’s 1link Disposal Network e-commerce platform have more than doubled from six to 15% thanks to a new feature.


The driver sales website enhancement was added earlier this year to the platform, which is used by large fleets to manage their defleeting process online.

As the vehicle becomes due for disposal, an e-mail is sent to the driver with asking them current details about the car such as its general condition and current mileage.

A buying price is then generated by the platform based partially on current CAP valuations but also by taking into account prices achieved for similar vehicles on the same fleet recently.

The fleet offering the car is also able to offer options such as finance and warranty products.

Ken Trinder, head of business development for Epyx, said: “The Driver Sales Website is only in use by a handful of fleets so far but those who have tried it are seeing very worthwhile results – for the first time, it provides an easy and structured driver sales route.

“For fleets, selling direct to drivers in this way is the lowest cost and most direct route to realise the value of a vehicle when it comes to disposal time, while many drivers are keen to buy their car at a competitive price, usually as their family’s second car.”

1link Disposal Network forms a component in the 1link cradle-to-grave fleet vehicle life cycle with e-commerce platforms covering vehicle procurement, service and maintenance, taxation and rental.

About epyx

epyx specialises in IT solutions for the automotive sector. Its best-known products are the 1link e-commerce platforms.

1link products improve the efficiency of major fleets and their suppliers, covering functions including vehicle procurement, maintenance, hire, disposals and relicensing. 1link has been adopted by leasing fleets totalling a parc of two million vehicles, more than 13,000 service providers, and the majority of UK's top 50 vehicle leasing companies and motor manufacturers on behalf of their franchise dealer networks.

epyx also produces bespoke e-commerce solutions for a number of market-leading motor industry brands.

For further details please contact Simon Wells at Paperchase Public Relations on 01283-711311 or e-mail