Settling in: Sarah Bruton, head of flexible rental, Sixt Flexi-rent

How does your new role differ from your last job?

In my previous job I was involved with our rental desks, workshops, accounts department, sales managers and fleet.

Now, my focus is on letting potential customers know about the benefits of Flexi-rent, as well as looking after existing customers.

What is your background?

I started out in 1995 with my family rental business, which was sold to Northgate in 1998.

I then spent 10 years working for Northgate in various roles (rental manager, regional operations manager and then as a general manager) before joining Sixt.

What are you working on at the moment?

An offer for customers on a variety of panel vans and prestige cars, which we will be launching shortly.

What has been your greatest challenge in the role so far?

The blank piece of paper I was handed by Sixt to set up and launch Flexi-rent.

How is the rental industry changing?

For many years, rental firms have been able to obtain manufacturer support when buying vehicles via various means of discounting the purchase price.

However, in a market where residual values are weaker, it is important that rental firms do not expect manufacturers to offer even more discounts.

This may impact on the rates offered.

What would make your life easier at work?

A helicopter. Travelling around London is certainly a time-consuming business.

How do you relax?

In the company of good friends and a very good bottle, or two, of rioja.