Masternaut Three X has launched a new real-time speed tracker tool that alerts fleet managers and drivers of the actual speed of the vehicle relative to local speed restrictions. 

It is the first time that speed restriction monitoring has been made available for all types of roads and will help bolster duty of care initiatives being implemented by fleet operators.
Fleet operators can gain a live graphical view of the speed of travel for their drivers on their entire journeys. 

If the limit is broken, an instant alert can be sent to the fleet manager and the event is also documented by the system. The driver can be questioned at the next opportunity. 

A Masternaut spokesman said: “This not only improves safety, it also lessens the chance of drivers breaking the law and landing hefty fines for the company and incurring higher insurance costs. In addition, the live tracking system prevents drivers getting lost and so they cannot use the excuse of needing to make up time to justify their speeding.”

The spin-off for putting the brake on speeders for businesses is the fuel savings that can be made through slower, safer driving. 

Also, vehicles driven with more care require less maintenance. Using the system to assist route planning also reduces miles travelled and ensures that drivers use the safest most economical routes. 

Masternaut Three X has 55,000 vehicles which are monitored using its tracking system. It calculates that if each of these vehicles reduced their speed by 10%, the total savings would be around £5 million per year, equivalent to £90 per vehicle.