The Department for Transport is coping with massive change after the ministers at its helm resigned, were moved to other departments or were promoted.

The changes mean no minister has been at this critically important department for more than eight months.

Following the resignation of Geoff Hoon, the secretary of state for transport and the man leading the department, his junior Lord Andrew Adonis was named his successor.

Lord Adonis has only been at the DfT since October 2008 when he joined as a junior minister responsible for rail and low-carbon transport.
The following day, his successor was named as Sadiq Khan.

Khan has no experience in transport.
Last week, road safety minister Jim Fitzpatrick was moved sideward to a junior ministerial position with DEFRA.

His replacement is Paul Clark, who lost his current transport portfolio to take on responsibility for road safety, aviation and maritime.
Adonis and Clark are the longest serving ministers at the department – they have both been there for just eight months.

Finally, Chris Mole was promoted as a DfT junior minister to fill the gap left by Clark. However, he has a new portfolio with responsibility for the national networks and the corporate management of the department.