New photo evidence has revealed the poor condition of some company car and vans damaged as a result of driver neglect and abuse.

Fleet Support Group’s Masterview system pictures the damage and sends copies to fleet managers via a video link when vehicles arrive at a garage for service, maintenance or repair.

The system is primarily aimed at spotting ‘SAD’ - safety, abuse and damage - images. Among the latest photographic evidence viewed are:

• A car’s tyre so low on tread that its metal cords are clearly visible

• Upholstery, cup holders and the driver’s footwell carpet all severely damaged

• A snapped road spring, possibly caused by a car being overweight and subsequently incurring tyre damage

• The rear axle of a car overloaded with more than 20 patio slabs

FSG Chairman Geoffrey Bray said: “When we show fleet managers the photographic evidence they are invariably shocked that their company vehicles have been allowed to get into such a state by drivers.

“Remedial action is then usually very swift. However, the damage is done and repair bills incurred.

“In many cases vehicle abuse has occurred over a period of time and thus impacts on safety, a company’s image and residual values as well as costing money to repair.”
Mechanical Damage