Fleet and business registrations continued their downward spiral in June, although the impact of the scrappage scheme is beginning to bear fruit for the private market.

Figures from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders show that in June 176,264 new cars were registered, still down on last June's 209,190 figure (-15.7%) but an improvement on the losses recorded in recent months.

For the year-to-date, the new car market stands at 924,955 - down 25.9% on 2008.

Fleet sales in June reached 80,020 (-28%), while for the year-to-date they are down 29.3% to 445,194.

Sales to businesses operating 25 vehicles or fewer were 9,606 in June (-34.5%), and for the year-to-date stand at 51,850 (-35.9%)

Full analysis of the fleet sales figures wil lappear in the next issue of Fleet News (July 16).