Every fleet will be trying to become more efficient during 2010. As an outright purchase fleet, we know you need to be certain you are getting the best value from the suppliers you choose.

Research by Fleet News has shown that the majority of outright purchase fleet operators will be reviewing different aspects of their fleet next year.

At the Fleet News Outright Purchase Forum we will help by ensuring you do it efficiently, quickly – and for free! Save dozens of hours on researching, meeting and assessing new suppliers.

“The event is like speed dating. It gives you a flavour of the potential supplier so you can decide if they offer a good business match.”

The idea behind the Forum is simple – we bring innovative solution providers together with fleet operators at one place, at one time.

Click here to book your place now

It can be difficult to justify time out of the office - to help you get the maximum value out of your time at this important event, Fleet News will also host a series of seminars focusing on issues that matter to you.

Gain exclusive access to our Fleet action plan 2010 seminars -

  • 10 point action plan: understand your priorities for 2010
  • Replacement cycles: what is the best time to replace and is there an optimum time to sell your current fleet?
  • Grey fleet management: keeping vehicles safe and legal and understanding your legal responsibilities


Click here for more information on our exclusive seminars

The Forum takes place on 12-13 November at Dunchurch Park Hotel in Warwickshire.

  • Click here for more information
  • Read the story in full in September 24 issue of Fleet News


Availability: places are strictly limited and subject to qualifying criteria.