Government proposals to introduce vocational driving qualifications for at-work drivers have been unanimously backed by some of Britain’s most safety-focused fleets.

A total of 86% of the Driving for Better Business campaign ‘business champion’ fleets responding to a survey by RoadSafe said they would support NVQ-style qualifications for drivers.

And, while the Department for Transport (DfT) in its ‘Learning to Drive’ consultation document specifically suggested that vocational driving qualifications should be taken by van drivers, around two-thirds of the ‘business champion’ fleets were virtually unanimous in their view that they should apply to all at-work drivers.

The DfT is currently considering the numerous responses to the consultation document, which promoted the concept that driving was a ‘skill for life’.

The survey also discovered that three-quarters (76%) of ‘business champion’ fleets that responded to the survey currently include driver training within their occupational road risk strategy.

However, there was less than enthusiastic support for company cars and vans to be fitted with speed limiters. Only 43% of respondents thought such technology was a good idea to help at-work drivers keep to speed limits.

Campaign director Caroline Scurr said: “We are delighted that our ‘business champion’ fleets support the concept of vocational qualifications for all at-work drivers.

“Whether driving company cars, vans or their own vehicles on business, employees who drive as part of their job undertake daily one of the most dangerous tasks they will ever be asked to complete in their working life.

“The Government recognises this and wants to develop a programme of higher and vocational qualifications. This is an initiative which has our 100% support.”