An extra dashboard button is set to overcome the fears of company car drivers over vehicle tracking technology.

Pressing the button will allow business motorists to hide journeys they regard as private, claims Navman, the tracking equipment provider.

“The sales fleet sector accounts for only 2% of the UK telematics industry because many employees have suspicions about the motives for installing tracking.

“These concerns are understandable when you consider the hefty tax bills faced by employees for the privilege of running a company car for private use – but our new feature should overcome objections by making sure all private mileage remains exactly that – private,” said European vice- president Steve Blackburn.

When it is in use, the ‘secret’ button hides all on-screen information from the tracking system software – but it is still possible to access vehicle movements retrospectively.

“As private information is still accessible, reports can be generated to provide graphical representations of private and business mileage. In addition, detailed mileage expense reports can be exported directly into company accounts.

“The ability of businesses to access this information means discrepancies that may arise in mileage claims can be easily settled.

“We are confident the button removes a significant hurdle for managers wanting to introduce tracking.

"It’s now extremely unlikely that plans to install this technology will be met with resistance,” said Blackburn.