Briggs Equipment has launched a new asset management tool Speedshield that encourages best-practice driver behaviour by enforcing a tailored Health and Safety Executive (HSE) checklist on start-up.

The feature gives users a paperless, online HSE compliance record with exceptions locking out a unit and informing appropriate supervisors.

It is the second instalment of management tools developed by Briggs to work alongside BE Fleet, offering a range of modules so that users can select the options and solutions to match their exact needs and requirements.

Options include:
• Zoning: enforce variable speed limits around a site or multiple sites
• Two-way commands: control fleet performance and speed in real-time from any online PC
• Impact detection: managers are immediately alerted by any significant impacts facilitating fast and efficient investigation
• Auto-shutdown suite: covering everything from unlatched seatbelts to impact emergency shutdown to idle time-outs

“We want our customers to be in full control of their fleet, minute-by-minute,” says BE Fleet divisional manager Les Knight. “Speedshield gives customers the ability to be pro-active instead of reactive. It provides real-time fleet information instead of standard KPI’s.”

With a control box rated up to 90v DC, the system can be hard wired into any vehicle without the need for converters or additional connectors.

Once fitted, Briggs’ BE Fleet team train the customer to use the system for independent fleet control.