The chancellor has confirmed that central Government will help local authorities to repair local roads damaged by the freezing weather that caused a ‘pothole epidemic’ earlier this year.

In his Budget speech, Alistair Darling promised £100m extra for local road repairs.

In the Budget report it says an additional £84 million has been made available to fund repairs for local roads in England damaged by the recent adverse weather. The remaining £16m will be given to the devolved executives in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

“This funding will be distributed to local highways authorities over the coming months based on the length and condition of roads they are responsible for,” said the report. “This funding will help road users by reducing the congestion and damage to vehicles caused by potholes.”

Professor Stephen Glaister, director of the RAC Foundation, said: "At least the chancellor has recognized the problem of potholes, but £100 million for local roads will not go far. Motorists know that many roads are now not fit for purpose and it will need billions rather than millions spent on maintenance to bring our road network back up to standard. The future still looks bleak."

The AA also welcomed the extra money for local roads and potholes. This was the amount spent on filling potholes last year. King said “The AA had campaigned for extra funding to fill the potholes and are delighted that the current pothole plague can be addressed.”