The Fuelcard Company is continuing its fuel cost relief programme, helping businesses from one man vans right up to large HGV fleets. This programme is delivered through an innovative partnership with TraderMedia, delivering bespoke advice on how business can save money on fuel.
Visitors to TraderMedia’s commercial web sites, VanTrader, TruckTrader, PlantTrader and FarmersTrader will be asked to provide basic details such as monthly fuel spend and business location following which they will be sent a personalised website directing users to a bespoke microsite customised with tailored advice as to which fuel card best meets their business needs and how much money they can save, based on their current spend. The website also includes a handy fuel station locator.
With diesel prices currently averaging just under 140p per litre, businesses across the UK are feeling the squeeze from this additional expenditure. These increases have been felt particularly keenly by small and medium sized companies, with many forced out of business or even compelled to turn down work because fuel costs are so high.
As well as savings at the pumps, fuel cards offer other economies and conveniences, according to The Fuelcard Company sales and marketing director, Jakes de Kock: “Exclusive discounts apart, considerable time and cost savings can be made via more streamlined administration that offers greater efficiencies into the bargain. Electronic data reports delivered weekly to clients become a key management tool, as the exact fuel usage per vehicle is shown. A HMRC approved consolidated Vat invoice of all business fuel spent is also provided to fuel card users, ensuring businesses claim back 100% of VAT on business fuel expenditure.
“Spend can be monitored and controlled easily, with fleet managers able to identify areas where savings can be made - such as routing, training drivers to adopt a more fuel efficient driving style and fraudulent claims.”
Research has shown that around 25 per cent of fuel claims could be exaggerated, costing UK businesses millions of pounds a year at a time when budgets are already stretched.
Fuel cards can all but eliminate fraud by taking the responsibility for claiming fuel expenses out of drivers’ hands completely. The monthly HMRC Vat approved invoice shows exactly when, where and how much fuel was purchased, it is virtually impossible to fabricate journeys or exaggerate fuel claims.
A fuel card also prevents any unauthorised extras, such as magazines or food, as they can be used only to purchase fuel.
Jakes de Kock added: “Our alliance with TraderMedia grew from a desire by two like-minded, service providers to help hard pressed small business road users gain maximum savings and efficiencies on their travel.
“A study by Halfords earlier this year revealed that private motorists were cutting back on their car use as a direct result of rising fuel costs. This however isn’t a viable option for businesses, particularly the smaller companies who contribute heavily to our logistics chain and provide any number of services to other businesses and households alike.”
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