Businesses are being offered a free on-line check to test that their drivers are up to speed and fully conversant with current company vehicle policy.

Companies need to ensure their company car guidelines have been read and understood by their drivers and now leading on-line driver assessment and training organisation E-Training World is providing a simple online test which also helps to explain the reasons behind the policy in more detail.

For clients who order 40 logins or more (until the end of 2012) for E-Training World's online driver risk assessment system, the same number of drivers will also qualify for a free login to check their knowledge of the individual company car policy.

“For any company that wants to ensure drivers have read, digested and understood the  vehicle policy, we can quickly build a tailored online course with multiple choice questions, feedback to say whether the driver has got the questions correct or not and explanations on each topic,” explains managing director Graham Hurdle.

For example, Hurdle says, on the subject of the need to take adequate breaks whilst driving, a question could be on the lines of; ‘What does the company car policy advise in terms of taking breaks during long journeys?’
The driver selects one of three possible answers, is told whether they are right or wrong and are then given reasons as to why that policy exists and why it has been put in for the safety and welfare of staff.

“Because the system places the results into a management area, the fleet manager can log in, see who has completed the test, as well as see their scores. This acts as a strong gauge as to whether the company policy has been understood, as well as providing an audit trail should the company come under investigation after an accident.”

E-Training World’s systems provide outstanding flexibility to companies looking to assess and train drivers, and this is just one example. In fact courses can be quickly built on any topic, even incorporating video.

“Clients can use our systems to develop any course feasible, tailored to their specific requirements, rules and processes,” said Graham.

“This can extend into the area of how a company wants its vehicles checked, use of mobile phones, rules around manoeuvring in depots, the safe storage of equipment in vehicles – it really can be on any subject matter, including video tutorials, which builds up to become a suite of online training for a business.”