Westdrive Kia has announced an upgrade project that will see the premises grow in size and create up to 10 new jobs for local people when it is completed in March next year. The investment, once finished, will total over £1 million and see the showroom adopt the new Kia ‘Red Cube’ branding.

The redevelopment will see the showroom turn from a six-car showroom to a 12-car showroom. Once complete there will also be an extended service reception and a 10-seat customer waiting area making the premises more comfortable for customers as well as giving a modern look that will showcase Kia’s latest line-up.

Jason Westwood, managing director at Westdrive Kia, commented: “Kia’s continued growth in the UK means that a small showroom space just doesn’t do the brand justice anymore, so we are really excited about the expansion and refurbishment. The new-look site will ensure that our customers continue to get the best service and cars on offer, but in a more refreshing environment.”