Half of motorists are unaware that the breathalysers they will soon need to carry in France must be certified to the French NF standard, according to the IAM's (Institute of Advanced Motorists) latest web poll of 2,300 respondents.
Breathalysers will be compulsory from July 1,with motorists facing fines from November 1.
The easiest way to tell if the breathalyser complies with the French legislation is to make sure it has the blue circular NF logo, the French equivalent of the BSI kite mark in the UK.
Other findings show that 82% of people think that the new regulations will have no effect on reducing drink driving, as intended by the French authorities. Only 13% said that the new regulations will reduce people driving over the limit, and 70% said that drivers will only carry them to comply with the law, and will not change their behaviour.
The legal limit in France is 50 mg per 100 ml of blood; lower than in the UK (the UK limit is 80mg).
IAM chief executive Simon Best said: "We will be looking forward to seeing the evaluation of what impact this new legislation is having. Support is likely to be higher if people can see that carrying a breathalyser actually reduces drink driving."
rosco7 - 22/06/2012 08:04
This is a bit misleading. Although the Breathalyzer law for France comes in on the 1st July, there will be no fines until November. However, I do agree that this will have no impact on drink driving in France, but I think this is an interim measure until Alcolocks are made compulsory.