Ctrack has launched an in-vehicle device that provides real-time feedback to help improve driving standards and boost fleet performance.

The Driver Behaviour Indicator (DBI) alerts the driver of any infringements when on the road to encourage responsible behaviour behind the wheel in order to reduce accidents and achieve cost savings of up to 20%.

Using a series of traffic-light coloured warning lights, the DBI units alerts a driver to a range of exceptions including harsh acceleration, braking, cornering and bumping, as well as speed violations and excessive engine idling.

Green, amber and red lights display a cumulative number of warnings, whilst a sustained period of responsible driving will enable a driver to clear the lights.

DBI is linked to an advanced vehicle tracking system that includes a three-axis accelerometer that accurately identifies and records driving events and excessive behaviour.

Meanwhile, DBI is designed to work alongside the cDrive management and reporting system to provide added insight into, not only where and when, but how a business drives by capturing, monitoring and analysing key driver and performance data.

John Wisdom, managing director of Ctrack, said: “Improving driving standards and techniques has been proven to reduce fuel expenditure, insurance premiums and maintenance costs, whilst lowering accident rates and driving down CO2 emissions.

“DBI provides an effective means of encouraging employees to drive more responsibly to boost fleet performance and enhance health and safety.”