ALD Automotive has revealed that the average carbon dioxide emissions of new company cars this year have dropped to 127 g per km while hitting an all time low of 123g/km in June. That figure compares with an average figure of 138g/km during the same months in 2011 and 166g/km in 2003.
The research also found that environmentally friendly cars are being adopted by employers in record numbers and employees are traveling fewer miles as part of a continuing focus on the reduction of vehicle operating costs.
In April 2012 BIK taxation levels (Benefit-in-kind) were revised and set at 10 percent for cars with CO2 emissions up to 100g/km, 11 percent for cars from 100-104g/km and thereafter in one percent increments for every additional 5g/km (up to 225g/km and 35 percent)..
In addition, the environmental performance of fleets is coming under greater scrutiny, as businesses will be forced to report their greenhouse gas emissions. From 2013, as part of their annual reports, companies will be obliged to include emissions data for their entire organisation, including both cars and vans.
The UK is the first country to make it a compulsory requirement, initially affecting 1,000 businesses listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange from April 2013. A review of the new regulations will take place in 2015, when ministers will discuss the potential extension to all large companies from 2016.
Keith Allen, UK managing director at ALD Automotive, said: “It is evident from the analysis that UK businesses are really taking notice when it comes to reducing their CO2 emissions and mileage.
As vehicle taxation and carbon emissions are so entwined, it is vital that employers and staff stay one step ahead of changes in legislation. With new legislation being implemented next April this will affect many large businesses.
By having to disclose figures for the amount of emissions they expel, it’s imperative that businesses take the necessary steps to reduce their carbon footprint.”
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