Three half-day health and safety forums from Cardinus Risk Management are being held this summer.
The first of these events, to be held at the Cardinus offices in Leadenhall Street, London on June 11, 2013, will look at combatting stress and discuss techniques for creating a more resilient workforce.
The second forum, on June 20, 2013, will reveal how the safety climate in an organisation can be improved with three presentations from leading experts in the area of health and safety culture.
Caroline Sugden, technical lead – human and organisational factors at the Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL), part of the Health and Safety Executive, will cover understanding worker’s perceptions of organisational commitment, the effectiveness of procedures and the interaction of production versus health and safety targets with examples drawn from the years that HSL has been investigating safety culture. Dr Sugden was involved in the safety culture work at the Olympic Park.
Jane Hopkinson, senior psychologist at HSL, will discuss the individual and organisational factors that influence worker behaviour, the key principles of behaviour change and will end with a discussion of some tools and techniques that can be used to promote healthy and safe behaviour in the workplace.
This session will be a condensed version of a training course that HSL developed and deliver regularly.
Mark Preston, head of safety consultancy at Cardinus Risk Management, will discuss the issues and problems that can arise as well as the benefits of changing behaviour of the workforce with regard to health and safety.
He will look at how HSE inspectors are taking safety culture into consideration in serious incident investigations and site visits.
He will reveal how they are attempting to measure levels of safety culture and how instituting such programmes can help protect organisations not just from serious incidents but from prosecution following those accidents.
The third event, on Thursday July 11, 2013, will look at mental health issues and how they affect and are affected by the workplace.
Cardinus is anticipating high demand for these popular forums so the company is limiting places to only one delegate per organisation.
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