ECO Stars, the fleet recognition scheme, is expanding across Scotland with the launch of two more schemes in North Lanarkshire and Dundee, bringing the total number of UK schemes to 11 with almost 300 members.
The free scheme encourages fleet operators of all sizes to improve efficiency, reduce fuel consumption and emissions to help improve local transport related air quality.
North Lanarkshire Council’s Convenor of the Environmental Services Committee, Councillor Helen Mckenna said: “North Lanarkshire has an increasingly high number of commercial vehicles travelling on our roads, and this is having an impact on air quality.
"We are tackling that in a number of ways through our Air Quality Action Plan, and the ECO Stars scheme is a positive way to help local businesses and improve the local environment."
Vari McDonald, depute convener of Dundee’s environment committee said: “Signing up to this scheme provides tools and support for operators to reduce costs and their environmental impact, and it also helps in the council’s drive to reduce air pollution."
Dundee and North Lanarkshire Council both obtained funding from the Scottish Government’s Air Quality Action Plan grant to set up ECO Stars as part of their Air Quality Action Plans. ECO Stars is being managed on behalf of the councils by specialist transport consultants, Transport and Travel Research Ltd.
Ann Beddoes from Barnsley Metropolian Council and national ECO Stars manager said she was delighted to welcome North Lanarkshire and Dundee into ECO Stars.
“It’s great to see ECO Stars grow and grow – I would like to encourage other local authorities to consider running the scheme and I hope that the forthcoming 2015/16 LTSF revenue fund bidding will give local authorities an opportunity," she said.
Picture caption: Cllr Helen Mckenna and ECO Stars programme manager, Jim Chappell with inaugural members at the launch of North Lanarkshire ECO Star
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