Half of motorists’ cars have been damaged in car parks over the past year, according to an AA study.

Claims for cars damaged in car park incidents rise over the pre-Christmas period as car parks are often filled to capacity.

A new AA-Populus study among 19,887 AA members suggests that over the past 12 months, just over half (51%) have suffered some damage to their car in a car park.

Two-thirds (66%) say that if they accidentally damaged another vehicle they would make an effort to notify the owner.

8% admit that they would drive off, especially if they weren’t spotted causing the damage.

Janet Connor, managing director of AA Insurance said: “Parking a car can be extremely trying, especially if spaces are on the tight side – after all cars are getting bigger but car parking spaces aren’t.

“But that over half of drivers have suffered some car damage in a year is extraordinary and it shows just how hazardous car parks are.

“It’s very easy to make a parking error and scrape another car or carelessly open a door, chipping the paint of a neighbouring vehicle. Unfortunately many people are either unaware they have caused damage or just don’t bother to report it.

“And if the damage is substantial enough to justify making an insurance claim it’s likely that the driver will lose some or all of their no-claim bonus if a claim can’t be made off the person who caused the damage.

“There’s nothing more infuriating than returning to your car to find that it has been damaged.”

AA Insurance claims records show that the majority of claims are collisions with other vehicles or with inanimate objects such as bollards, lamp posts or trolley shelters. Other claims include damage caused by rogue shopping trolleys, vandalism and break-ins and thefts from cars.

“Even at slow speed substantial damage can be caused by reversing into another car or striking a concrete pillar or bollard,” Connor added.

According to the research, 59% of all reported car park scrapes happened at a supermarket; 12% in an open-air car park while 11% happened in each of multi-storey car parks and on-street parking.

Only 7% occurred at a workplace car park.

Of those who have suffered damage to their car, only 9% admit that they have caused the damage themselves (8% men, 10% women).