Rotherham Community Transport (RCT) has announced an increase in MPG after following action points from South Yorkshire Eco Stars.
RCT joined the South Yorkshire ECO Stars scheme in June 2011, and was awarded two stars after its initial assessment and four actions to take.
These were roll out of telematics to entire fleet, upgrade vehicles/retro-fitting exhaust after treatment/auto anti-idling, monitoring or accelerations and braking, consideration of driver training and incentives.
Following the combination of interventions recommended by ECO Stars, RCT have seen a reduction in their fuel usage and delivered a 4% increase in their MPG.
RTC has reported that this is, “as a direct result of the improved driver training and vehicle engineering now in place and can be linked to an associated reduction in overall Particular Matter emissions of 1.52% and 3.71% reduction in CO2”.
In areas of poor air quality, fuel efficiency measures such as reduced engine idling, will have a direct benefit for the quality of air at a local level.
After its reassessment in 2017, RTC has been awarded a four star rating.
Rotherham Community Transport’s general manager Adrian Parkinson said: “With the help of ECO Stars we are proud to have progressed from our initial 2 star rating in 2011 to the 4 star rating we have recently been awarded.
"We are committed to further reducing our impact on the environment and we believe that ECO Stars can help us achieve this”
ECO Stars’ field consultant for South Yorkshire Alan West said: “We are delighted to see the benefits RCT have achieved through making small changes.
"The scheme is open to any size of operator and would encourage anyone interested in the scheme to make contact”
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