Epyx will host a 1link Disposal Network Christmas online car and van auction that will run from Friday December 21 to Thursday December 27.

The event is being held in response to demand from trade vendors and buyers, with stock available from Volkswagen Financial Services, the AA, Multifleet, Robins and Day, Agility, SG Fleet, Global GO and Trade Sales Centre.

“The fact is that our customers want to continue to buy and sell stock over the Christmas period. A lot of people might shop on Amazon or ASOS during the holidays and 1link Disposal is really no different.

“Vendors have cars and vans that they want to sell and buyers need stock ready for January, so we have created this special Christmas multi-vendor auction – our first ever – to answer this need,” said Vicky Gardner, head of remarketing at epyx (pictured).

As a Christmas offer, the first vehicle bought through the platform will not be subject to a buyer’s fee.

“It’s a little Christmas gift to our auction buyers and an incentive for people to take a look at the stock on offer, which is of an exceptionally high quality and variety,” added Gardner.

Trade buyers can access the auction both through the 1link Disposal Network platform and corresponding app, and bids and purchases can be made 24 hours a day.

The vehicles in the auction are being sold on both a fixed price and bid basis with delivery from the New Year in line with different vendor terms and conditions.