A roadmap setting out the policies required to deliver net zero transport and transform UK industry has been published by the Zemo Partnership.
The culmination of a year-long of consultation by the non-profit partnership, the Delivery Roadmap for Net Zero Transport in the UK highlights the areas where policy interventions are most urgently needed.
These include measures to accelerate the rollout of electric vehicles (EVs) by working with the private sector to identify how many and what types of chargers are needed and where, while ensuring fairness in VAT rates for charging.
It also calls for a package of measures to boost production and demand for low carbon fuels to decarbonise the existing fleet, and to encourage low carbon travel choices by providing greater support and information on walking, cycling, public transport, car clubs and lift sharing.
The roadmap comes after the Government held crunch talks with manufacturers amidst growing disquiet over sales targets for EVs contained within the zero emission vehicle (ZEV) mandate.
Following the meeting, the Government said it would launch a fast-track consultation to establish what measures it could implement to help the industry and consumers make the switch to EVs.
Speaking at a launch event for the new Zemo roadmap, Colin Walker, head of transport at the Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit, pointed to research which suggested investment in sustainable energy could create 160,000 extra jobs but doing nothing could result in 34,000 job losses and a multi-billion-pound hit to the economy.
“The ZEV Mandate is working; don’t muck around with it,” he added. “We should be focusing on what else can be done to incentivise uptake.”
Claire Haigh, Zemo managing director, said: “Policy changes and uncertainty are damaging and will slow down the transition.
“We need to coalesce around a shared vision of the future and, together, agree the finer details of policies to avoid future, unhelpful turbulence.
“The publication of the Delivery Roadmap for Net Zero Transport is a key staging post in a process that has brought together so many experts who are amongst our membership.
“This is not an end-point, but a key reference on which we will build; to develop the finer details of the policies necessary to accelerate transport’s transition.”
The Council for Net Zero Transport, established by Zemo Partnership in June, provides independent strategic guidance to Zemo and complements the work of partnership members.
Council for Net Zero Transport chair, Lord Deben, said: “Addressing transport emissions is a critical part of tackling the existential threat of climate change.
“The transport transition is a multi-faceted and complex challenge which is why we need to bring people with the widest range of perspectives together and to harness the power of key organisations with the agency and resources to deliver the necessary changes.
“The publication of this Roadmap is a necessary step in defining a vision around which we can coalesce and move forward.”
He added: “The Government is well meaning but not joined up. The next five years are crucial for the delivery on our climate change demands.”
During a discussion at the Zemo launch event, Jillian Anable, professor of transport and energy at the Institute for Transport Studies, said behaviour change was vital, rather than finger pointing. She highlighted three “mistakes” which needed addressing.
- “We focus on journeys not miles, but it’s miles that affect carbon. Three per cent of journeys account for 60% of the miles and 70% of the emissions from personal transport (including air). We need a reduction target.”
- “We can’t assume policies will result in a reduction in miles travelled by cars. In the Netherlands, 29% of trips are by bike; in the UK it’s less than 2%. But the average CO2 output by transport is the same in both countries. They still love their cars! We have to have a hierarchy where the car is low down.”
- “We focus on short commuter trips when it’s the longer distances that we need to think about. We need a refocusing. We need to think about where we build houses, integrated transport hubs, e-bikes and cycle routes.”
Anable added: “We need a conversation on road pricing, but we really need a reappraisal and restructuring of pricing across the transport system.”
The Delivery Roadmap for Net Zero Transport builds on the publication of a report offering guidance to the new Government, which set seven key principles to inform policy on delivering net zero transport.
For fleet decision-makers wanting insight and advice on decarbonising their operations, read Electric Fleet: Moving to Net Zero - a Fleet News special report.
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