Fleet decision-makers have chosen what they believe to be the most valuable safety tool for company cars, according to new research.

Collision avoidance was cited as the most valuable safety tool within ADAS (advanced driver assistance system), chosen by more than a third (35%) of UK businesses surveyed.

It was closely followed by automatic emergency braking (30%), pedestrian detection (30%), driver fatigue warning (28%) and lane departure warning (27%).

A fifth of respondents referenced adaptive cruise control (21%) and automatic parking (19%).

The figures are taken from the 2024 Arval Mobility Observatory Fleet and Mobility Barometer, which questioned 8,605 businesses in 30 countries about their vehicle operations.

Shaun Sadlier, head of Arval Mobility Observatory in the UK, said: “In 2023, a raft of ADAS systems became compulsory across the EU and so have become standard fitment on cars in the UK too, meaning that fleet experience of this technology is increasing.

“In the light of this, it’s interesting that the top answer in our research – collision avoidance systems – is not one of these standard fitments and remains the preserve of more upmarket models.

“It appears that fleet managers would like to see it offered much more widely and believe that the technology has very real value.”

The other top choices, says Sadlier, all reflect a similar desire to stop drivers being involved in accidents that result from a lack of attention and cause impacts – automatic emergency braking, pedestrian detection, driver fatigue warning and lane departure warning.

“Those that are more based around convenience – cruise control and automatic parking – are at the bottom of the list,” he added.

“It’s clear the number one outcome that fleets want from ADAS technology is to help drivers maintain concentration and to automatically attempt to stop collisions.”

Fleets are also starting to realise that drivers needed to be taught how to use different types of ADAS system and integrate them into their driving style in order to maximise their effectiveness, according to Sadlier.

“When ADAS systems first started appearing, there was a tendency to view them as definite solutions to driving problems but there is a growing awareness that these are tools that have value only if drivers are shown how to make the most of them,” he said.

“A good analogy is reversing sensors. Almost all cars now have reversing sensors but people still back into walls sometimes.

“In the same way, ADAS systems have real value, but only if they are set up correctly and the driver uses them effectively.”