Volkswagen Financial Services (VWFS) Fleet has launched a new tool for drivers to assess the merits of an electric vehicle (EV).

The EV4ME online tool aims to help drivers better understand what living with an EV will be like and to identify the right type of plug-in-vehicle for them.

It will take into account various factors, including commuting distance, charging infrastructure availability and home life commitments.

VWFS Fleet says it simplifies what can be a complex decision, by recognising the importance of empowering drivers with the knowledge and understanding of living with an EV.

Drivers answer questions about their driving habits and access to charging facilities, and the tool leverages its intuitive algorithm to respond with the right range category for their individual needs.  

Once the optimal range category is identified, the EV4Me platform then links through to VWFS Fleet’s EV Directory, where drivers can explore specific EV models that suit their individual driving needs.

James Fields-Davis, head of fleet development at VWFS Fleet, said: “With EV adoption gathering real pace now, it’s important that businesses looking to transition their fleet ensure drivers are on board with the switch.

“The new EV4ME helps with exactly that, ensuring drivers can easily identify the right vehicle for their individual driving patterns – both for work and non-work purposes.

“EV4ME now provides a straightforward and accessible way for potential EV drivers to understand how easy, or hard, living with an EV might be for them.

“It also helps to focus their thinking on the type of EV that would best suit their needs, by helping them to make informed comparisons across different EVs.”

Fields-Davis says with so many models now available, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, but the tool will help drivers to identify the best EV solution for their individual needs, arming them with the essential facts and figures they need, all from a single source.

“The tool also helps fleet operators to better support their drivers who may be worried about where to start when it comes to making such an important decision,” he added.