Senior policymakers from national, devolved and local government, along with key public sector organisations and businesses, have gathered in London to help inform the UK’s delivery roadmap for net zero transport.

The Zemo Partnership Summit 2024, taking place today (Thursday, October 3), plays host to a range of speakers, including Professor Sir Jim Skea, chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), transport minister Simon Lightwood and Lord Deben, chair of the Council for Net Zero Transport.

The summit follows September’s publication by Zemo Partnership of guidance setting out seven key principles to inform transport policy development

The guidance has been informed by the independent Council for Net Zero Transport, chaired by Lord Deben which Zemo Partnership convenes.

The council comprises leading representatives of organisations with a key stake in transport’s decarbonisation transition.

Lightwood, minister for local transport at the Department for Transport (DfT), said: “Delivering greener transport and accelerating the drive to net zero is one of this Government’s central missions.

“We’re moving fast to deliver greener buses and trains, support the switch to electric vehicles on our roads, and secure the UK as a global leader in sustainable aviation fuel.

“I’m looking forward to speaking with the sector on future collaboration to achieve these goals.”

MSP Fiona Hyslop, cabinet secretary for transport in the Scottish Government, will also be speaking at the event. She said: “It’s great to see the Zemo Partnership bringing together Government from across the UK, the public sector and businesses to outline priorities to tackle this issue.

“The Scottish Government is committed to a just transition to transport decarbonisation and a collaborative approach is the only way we can achieve this. “

Claire Haigh (pictured), executive director of the Zemo Partnership, says that, while we should celebrate the UK’s global leadership on net zero and the progress that has been made so far, there is still much work to be done.

“Transport emissions will need to decline much more rapidly during this decade if the UK’s targets are to be achieved,” she explained. “That’s why the Zemo Partnership Summit 2024 will bring together stakeholders from across the green economy, to outline a roadmap to accelerate this journey.

“I thank everyone for their contribution to today’s event and to tackling this vital challenge and look forward to seeing the progress we as a sector have made by next year’s summit.”