YouGov has identified the country’s favourite and most improved car brands based on the responses of 28,000 people.

Using YouGov’s Brand Index tool for measuring brand health, the manufacturers are given an average score based on brand impression, value, quality, reputation, satisfaction and recommendation metrics.

The report also looked specifically at consideration rankings among those planning to buy a new car in the next 12 months. ​

It found that Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz are the number 1 and 2 ranked brands respectively, based on their Index score of brand health, with fellow German brands Audi (number 5) and BMW (number 7) also featuring in the top ten

Toyota has the most improved Index score, which measures brand health, in the past year, up 2.8 points to 22.6.

Interestingly, men view Toyota more positively than women – giving it a 25.7 Index score vs 19.6 from women.

Lexus has the most improved consideration score among those looking to get a new car in the next 12 months, going from 9.3% to 17.4%.

It also found that 22% of those planning to buy or lease a car in the next 12 months are considering an electric engine

Russell Feldman, YouGov’s head of client services, UK, said: “The jump in the number of potential car buyers who would consider a Lexus or a Mercedes-Benz shows those brands have great potential for growth.

“More generally, we can see there is a strong appetite in the UK for German cars, and their reputation for quality still holds strong.”

To download the full report, click here