- Yes = 20.0%
- No = 76.0%
- Unsure = 4.0%
Your Vote
Previous questions
- Yes = 49.1%
- No = 50.9%
- Better than the official mpg = 2.0%
- 1-5% worse than the official mpg = 5.0%
- 6-10% worse than the official mpg = 10.1%
- 11-20% worse than the official mpg = 32.2%
- 21-30% worse than the official mpg = 25.1%
- 31-40% worse than the official mpg = 11.1%
- 41-50% worse than the official mpg = 5.0%
- 51-75% worse than the official mpg = 6.0%
- 76-100% worse than the official mpg = 3.5%