Hitachi Construction Machinery (UK) has centralised its fleet communications by deploying The Driver Handbook.

With a fleet of almost 100 vans and cars to support its UK-wide network of construction equipment customers, Hitachi says its decision to invest in The Driver Handbook was driven by a desire to move away from paper-based driver handbooks and reduce the number of emails sent to its employees.

Drivers have previously been given printed driver handbooks and contacted via email, phone and SMS.

Stacey Coffey, company fleet coordinator at Hitachi Construction Machinery (UK), says the ability to supplement The Driver Handbook’s car and van content with its own company-specific information has been a “game-changer”.

“We need to make sure all our staff are up-to-date, have signed the relevant declarations to drive for work and can find the essential information they need to do their jobs with minimal intervention,” she continued.

“Aside from sharing business critical information, we’ve also been able to load other data such as insurance policies and handy phone numbers, all of which is in the app whenever drivers need to access it.”

Hitachi began rolling out The Driver Handbook in late 2020 and is now using the web-based platform and app for all driver information and communication.

It has also populated TDHConnect, the app’s content management system, with a range of declarations, policies, toolbox talks and documentation – all of which would have previously been distributed either on paper or via email.

Furthermore, it is also using TDHConnect and the app to evidence its driver communications for internal managerial checks and external audit bodies.

Currently, the company is Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) Bronze accredited and is using The Driver Handbook as part of its progression to Silver accreditation.

Glen Davies, managing director of The Driver Handbook, says that it’s great to see Hitachi using not only our standard car and van handbooks, but also making the most of TDHConnect to load their own company information.

He added: “We’ve used our extensive industry knowledge and experience to develop what we hope is a trusted platform of content for our customers, so they can rely on The Driver Handbook to provide drivers with all the necessary information to do their jobs safely, legally and efficiently.

“Hitachi are using The Driver Handbook to go one step further, putting everything at their drivers’ fingertips, helping to save time and also providing a solid audit trail of what’s been shared, accessed and read.”

The Driver Handbook is available with access to TDHConnect annually from £599, plus £12.99 per app user, per annum, with volume discounts applied.

Apps can be downloaded via Google Play and Apple’s app store, or distributed via Mobile Device Management services. Training and support is also available to all TDHConnect users at no cost, throughout the duration of a contract.