People leadership - Page 5
Road Safety Case Study - CE Electric
Driver risk assessment and training is a key deliverable of CE Electric UK's wider Safety Improvement Plan. They have also appointed a full-time Road Risk Manager with a dedicated budget for the delivery of the road risk management programme.
Road Safety - Sainsburys
Sainsburys drivers have experienced levels of increased awareness when driving, as a result of the risk assessments and driver training programmes. Additionally, the employees feel that there is a “knock-on effect” to their personal driving, through the organisation making them more aware, providing them with more information, and improving their driving skills, so making them safer drivers.
Health and Safety
Fleet managers have a legal responsibility to manage the risk facing their drivers. Here Fleet News explains the relevant health and safety legislation and provides a host of case studies that show how fleets can minimise the risk facing their drivers.
Managing road risk HSE case study BNFL
BNFL was aware of the legal responsibilities to employees who drive and was looking to implement a safe driving policy in accordance with good health and safety practice. The development of the policy was then instigated in response to reading an article from RoSPA on ‘Managing Occupational Road Risk’, which highlighted the risks associated with work-related driving and offered methods for managing driving safety.